Traumatic brain injury

What is traumatic brain injury?

Traumatic brain injury can occur due to various reasons, most commonly traffic accidents, falls from a height, work accidents, beatings, gunshot wounds. It emerges as an important cause of disability in society and its rehabilitation is also very important. After intensive care treatment in the early period, an intensive neurological rehabilitation program including robotic rehabilitation is needed.

Traumatic brain injury is brain injuries that occur when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object damages brain tissue by piercing the skull. It can lead to deterioration in the cognitive and physical functions of the person and cause thinking, perception, speech, swallowing disorders and paralysis in organs such as arms and legs. Although it can be seen almost everywhere and at any age, its frequency is highest in young people and especially between the ages of 15-25. Motorcycle and bicycle accidents are a major cause. The use of helmets significantly reduces the occurrence of traumatic brain injury in such accidents. Falls and non-accidental traumas in children, traffic accidents in adults and falls in the elderly are common causes of head trauma.

What are the symptoms of traumatic brain injury?

Since the brain is the most sensitive and complex organ of the body, traumatic brain injuries can have changes that deeply affect a person's life. These changes can be cognitive changes such as memory, perception, attention, comprehension, logical thinking, as well as physical problems such as partial or complete paralysis, balance disorders and swallowing and speech disorders.

The mortality rate in the early period of traumatic brain injury is quite high. Depending on the severity of the trauma, loss of consciousness, nausea, headache, neurological and cognitive effects are common. Depending on the location and extent of the damage in the brain, many health problems such as loss of arm and hand use, gait disorder, sensory disorder, disorder in intellectual functions, behavior and personality changes, epileptic seizures, chronic pain, depression, bladder and intestinal problems can be seen in patients. Cognitive problems such as decrease in attention span, difficulty in organizing thoughts, forgetfulness, confusion, difficulties in learning new information, difficulties in reasoning and interpretation, making movements inappropriate to social situations, difficulty in problem solving, decision making and planning may occur. Problems with language can also vary from person to person, as can cognitive problems. Difficulty in finding words, inability to form sentences properly, long and erroneous expressions, difficulty in understanding words, inability to understand different uses, idioms and implied uses of words, regression in reading and writing skills, deterioration in mathematics skills are among these problems. As a result of traumatic brain injury, behavioral disorders such as personality changes, aggression, tendency to violence and loss of control can also occur. Physical restrictions such as partial or complete paralysis, involuntary muscle contractions (spasticity), impaired balance and coordination, and difficulty swallowing can reduce a person's functional independence. These findings vary according to many factors such as the severity of the injury, the affected brain region, organ injuries other than the brain and personality traits before the injury.

How is the treatment of traumatic brain injury done?

Patients with traumatic brain injury need emergency intervention and early intervention by neurosurgery and neurology clinics. This intervention may be in the form of follow-up or surgical intervention in intensive care. Oxygen support to the brain and the rest of the body, ensuring adequate blood flow and controlling blood pressure are the priorities of this intervention. The patient whose medical condition stabilizes should be evaluated immediately by a physical therapy rehabilitation physician and an early rehabilitation program should be initiated. When the patient becomes eligible, it would be best to follow him up in a physical therapy and rehabilitation clinic with specialized neurorehabilitation and robotic rehabilitation facilities.

The recovery that occurs with the disappearance of edema in the brain tissue after the early period is called spontaneous recovery. In the later period, the sprouting of nerve cells and the formation of new nerve connections contribute to the continuation of healing. Research has shown that neurological recovery after brain injury is greatest in the first 6 months. However, recovery after brain injury continues at a rapid pace for up to 2 years. In this process, a comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation program will maximize the patient's gains. Although recovery is faster in the first 2 years, the potential for recovery may also arise in the late period in these patients. Even in patients who are thought to have persistent cognitive and physical impairments, some abilities can be redeveloped. For this reason, it would be useful for a patient who has suffered a brain injury to be followed up by a team of doctors consisting of neurologists, neurosurgeons and psychiatry specialists under the leadership of a physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist.

Rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury

Today, thanks to the increasing and developing surgical and emergency aid methods, while the deaths due to traumatic brain injuries are decreasing, the rehabilitation and reintegration of patients into society is becoming very important due to the increase in survival rate. The purpose of rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury is to improve impaired functions, to ensure walking, to restore the patient's independence at the highest possible level and to prevent other health problems that may occur due to the disease.

Rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury should be started at an early stage. With simple measures such as passive joint movements to be performed while the patient is unconscious and even unconscious, and turning the patient every two hours, problems such as joint restrictions and pressure sores that may affect the success of rehabilitation in the future can be prevented. For this reason, it is important that the patient is followed up by a physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist from the early period. In this way, complications that may arise in the acute period are prevented and preparations are made for the transfer of the patient to a rehabilitation clinic.

Patients who become medically stable are taken to a more intensive and comprehensive rehabilitation program. At the beginning of rehabilitation, the patient is evaluated in terms of consciousness, motor, sensory, perception, balance, walking and daily living activities with a comprehensive examination and a special physical therapy and rehabilitation program is planned. This program is followed by weekly evaluations and shaped according to the newly determined targets.

Early mobilization (mobilization) of patients with traumatic brain damage is important. Thus, complications such as muscle atrophy, pressure ulcer, bone resorption, joint restriction, soft tissue calcifications that may arise due to immobilization (immobility) are prevented. Physical therapy and rehabilitation program, in accordance with the patient's current medical condition and functional level; It includes mobilization in the bed, sitting balance training, using hands and arms, going out of bed and transfer activities, standing up, standing balance training, walking, going up and down stairs, work-occupation and training of daily living activities.

In traumatic brain injury, involuntary muscle contractions called spasticity may occur. If these contractions disrupt the patient's joint movements, positioning, hygiene or cause pain during exercise, they need to be treated. In addition to drugs, physical therapy and exercises, interventional and surgical methods can also be applied in the treatment.

If the patient has joint contracture, joint range of motion exercises, stretching, instrumentation or surgical intervention may be required. Muscle weakness can be seen in traumatic brain injury. In these cases, muscles are tried to be brought to normal strength with muscle strengthening exercises. If there are balance and coordination disorders, exercises for this are also done. During these studies, orthotics and other auxiliary devices can be used when needed.

Robotic rehabilitation is an effective rehabilitation method that can be used from an early period in patients with traumatic brain injuries. It contributes to the early mobilization of the patient, stimulates neurological recovery through neuroplasticity and increases the patient's adherence to the rehabilitation program, motivation and awareness. Early Stage Paralysis Mobilization Device (vertical movement device with electrical stimulation), Walking Robot (Robotic walking device), Armeo (shoulder-arm robot) and Amadeo (hand-finger robot) are among the robotic technologies used for this purpose. Integrating robotic rehabilitation into the rehabilitation program from an early stage significantly increases the success in the rehabilitation of brain-damaged patients.

Hydrotherapy, or in-water rehabilitation, is also a rehabilitation option that has a place in the treatment of traumatic brain injury patients. Thanks to in-water exercises, strengthening of weak muscles, improvement in balance and coordination, as well as reduction of involuntary muscle contractions are provided.

Occupational therapy (occupational therapy) is a therapy and rehabilitation program that aims to increase the quality of life by acquiring the independence and life roles of people in daily life by acquiring work, occupation and activity. Occupational therapy is also actively utilized in the treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury.

Speech and language therapy and swallowing therapy are very important in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic brain damage. First of all, the areas where the patient is deficient are determined by the specialist therapist and a treatment program is arranged for them. A cognitive assessment may also be performed if necessary. In addition to exercises related to speech and swallowing, studies are also carried out for cognitive problems such as forgetfulness.

Respiratory rehabilitation, psychotherapy, neuropathic pain treatment and treatment of bladder and bowel problems are other treatment topics that have an important place in the rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury patients.

The success of rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury is influenced by many factors, such as the severity of the brain injury, age, gender, pre-disease status, socioeconomic parameters, state of cognitive functions. Although the process is long and clinical improvement is sometimes very slow, these patients, the vast majority of whom are young, can move to an independent and productive life with an appropriate rehabilitation program. If the patient is not taken to a rehabilitation program created for him in every aspect, he will fall behind the performance he can show. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to complete the occupational and economic rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and if they cannot continue their old profession, to acquire a new profession or to be placed in a suitable job and brought to a self-sufficient, productive living level.